Nov 8, 2023Liked by Samantha Lui

I wanted more... I was expecting more from GOLDEN. Jungkook's talent is absolutely undeniable and he can pull of almost any style or concept. With that being said, this album was just underwhelming. I agree that it feels safe. I think Seven was a great single and Standing Next to You is such a good title track. Apart from those two songs and Yes or No, nothing else grabs my attention. It is a little disappointing because I was looking forward to his album the most as a pop music lover. I'm still hopeful for his future releases. Perhaps the production and creative processes for this album were a bit rushed ?... That's how it feels to me.

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Wah! I was kind of scared to admit that Golden didn't live up to my expectations!!! Even though I found the album enjoyable to listen to, I wish it felt more like JK himself. I really did love 'Seven' as a single because it was a risky move that worked. "Standing Next To You" was just also so fun! But I admit that "3D" can really live in the past for me...interesting point about maybe the album being rushed. Someone else brought that up to me too!

I agree and hope that he can continue developing his voice as an artist! There's so much talent there, and I'd love to see him take on more risky moves.

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Still screaming/crying/throwing up thinking about his 12 minute interview on jimmy fallon 😭 My baby boba ball did so well !!!

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He was adorable! I know he was wearing his sexy cut-out shirt but his cute personality never truly goes away. I was also blown away by his vocals during his performance of ' Standing next to you' !!!!

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such a solid review

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Thank you so much for reading! Curious to know -- what do you think of the album?

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I think it is SO fun and so him. Room to improve but it feels like he's just blossomed.

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